

  • UI components:
    • Daily notes: Ctrl-Shift-d?
    • Find or Create Page: Ctrl-u
    • Left sidebar toggle: Ctrl-\
    • Right sidebar toggle: Ctrl-Shift-\
    • Shortcuts
    • Graph overview
    • Undo: Ctrl-z
    • Redo: Ctrl-y
    • Command help: click the question mark in the lower right
    • slash autocomplete: /
  • blocks:
    • new block: Enter
    • new line in block: Shift-Enter
    • block indent: Tab
    • block unindent: Shift-Tab
    • move block: Alt-Shift-arrow (or drag the block’s dot)
    • expand: Ctrl-Down (or click arrow to the left of the block’s dot)
    • collapse: Ctrl-Up (or click arrow to the left of the block’s dot)
    • zoom in: Alt-Right (or click on the block’s dot)
    • zoom out: Alt-Left
    • select block above: Shift-Up
    • select block below: Shift-Down
    • select all blocks: Ctrl-Shift-a
    • to start of block: Ctrl-Home
    • to end of block: Ctrl-End
    • select to the end of block: Ctrl-Shift-End
  • formatting:
    • bold: Ctrl-b or **bold**
    • italics: Ctrl-i or *italics*
    • ==highlight==: Ctrl-h or ==highlight==
    • strikethrough: ~~strikethrough~~
    • heading: Ctrl-Alt-1,2,3,0

    • attribute: attribute::
    • latex: \(E = mc^2\) - $$E = mc^2$$
    • code: if (2*2==4); also code blocks in different languages
  • links:
    • external link: Ctrl-k or [text](url)
    • image link: ![](url)
    • follow link under cursor: Shift-click – and what about Ctrl-o?
    • open link in sidebar: Ctrl-Shift-o
    • internal links: #oneword or <span class="invalid-wiki-link">[[many words]]</span>: select and type [[
    • todo: [] or Ctrl-Enter to toggle
    • ==backlinks!==
    • block reference: (())
    • block transclusion - ???
  • ==write everything in the daily note and connect with internal links!==
