• As We May Think Vannevar Bush 1945
    • Bush lamented how difficult it was to learn when resources were organized by hierarchical classification systems, like alphabetical or numerical order. “The human mind does not work that way,” Bush wrote. “It operates by association.”
    • Bush dreamed up the future he wanted. He sketched out a vision of a hypothetical device called a memex, a personal mechanized library that would rely on “associative indexing,” rather than hierarchical filing systems. The memex, he wrote, would be able to replicate how humans really think and learn. It would provide “an enlarged intimate supplement” to our memories.
  • Xanadu Ted Nelson
    • The dream was partially kept alive by Ted Nelson, the man who coined the term hypertext, as he spent decades trying to create a network with a fully bi-directional infrastructure in a project called Xanadu.
  • zettelkasten
    • Another touchstone is Zettelkasten, a note-taking method popularized by Niklas Luhmann, a German sociologist. He credited Zettelkasten with helping him write dozens of books over the course of his career. The system calls for taking quick notes on paper index cards, giving each a number, tags and cross-references to other notes before sorting them into little boxes. That way you can quickly retrieve information and make connections between ideas that you might not notice if you took notes using traditional approaches.
  • roam
  • Our dream system is all about backlinks
    • Kinds of backlinks:
      • statement -> proof
      • explanation -> explaned
      • statement -> contradiction